Sunday, December 5, 2010

Game over

I fucking win.  In your face, bitches.

Although I don't actually *win* anything at all, so... I don't really know why I'm celebrating...

I managed to find my way onto the Internet and say something every day for an entire month, no matter how pissy of a mood I was in, no matter how difficult it was to find a wi-fi hot-fucking-spot, no matter how little I had to say, no matter how tired I was.  I fucking did it, I made it happen, so fuck you K.M. for saying "man, I know you.  You'll get distracted by a shiny object and lose interest ten days in."

Again, it really is kind of an empty victory because I get, what now?  What?  The knowledge that I can manage to talk shit about nothing every day if I want to?  That's nothing new.  I do that every fucking day at work.  It's the life of a bartender.  You wouldn't BELIEVE the conversations I pretend to be interested in day in and day out.  It's exhausting.  Because I work in the financial district, I now know more than I ever wanted to about the world of finance, which is quite possibly THE most boring industry on the fucking planet.  I have to love Asheesh, who said it best when I asked him why he went into finance.  "Honestly?" he said, "Because I needed to pay off my student loans."

And how can you argue with that?

My new thing at work is to pretend my customers are alien species and I'm doing social and cultural research.  "So, tell me again about the frat that you belonged to in college?  Because really, I find it fascinating.  Truly."


I have to go.  I have to watch my honey finish putting these fucking shelves together, and when he's done I'm SURE we have much better things we could be doing besides fucking around on the internet.  Thanks for tuning in, and now that my month is up you can expect to go back to the random, sporadic, inconsistent, pointless posting that was going on before this ridiculous game started four long ass fucking weeks ago.


GG said...

Thanks for sharing. The sink sucks, so does the stolen bike, the long distance boyfriend and the season (the music is a drag). LOL, I needed it love! Done. Winner! xoxog always

Hey Harriet said...

Haha! You are a winner!

Lickety Splitter said...

Congrats! If I had a gold star, I would give you one.

Jonny Hamachi said...


Kitty said...

I definitely think we should have coffee. I like the way you think. This is why I read these things - when California's Ugg boots + shorts = just not enough to reveal the world to me.

Square Peg Guy said...

Well done! If you'd started on Nov 1, you could've done NaBloPoMo, too!